Longega Project is an exchange programme for artists. The headquarters are located in Longega (South Tyrol, Italy) at 1,000 metres above sea level.

Longega Project was founded in 2017 by Fabian Feichter and Youlee Ku and offers artist residencies. Behind the project is the desire to enable artists who often live precariously to spend time in the surrounding special landscape. The encounter with international artists is equally enriching for the local population.

The Longega Project International Artist House is located next to a stream in the Badia Valley, the rio di San Vigilio. It consists of a house with a flat for a single person or a couple/duo on the first floor and a workshop on the ground floor. The workroom of about 20 m² is equipped with workbenches and basic tools.

Dal 2019 incá él na colaboraziun cun le Horanggasy Creative Studio a Gwangju. Vigni ann ti vëgnel dé la poscibilité a n artist o a n’artista de Südtirol da jí tla Corea y dl ater vers a n artist o a n’artista coreana da gní por n cer tëmp te Südtirol.

Pro Fabian Feichter, che é instës dla Val Badia, y Youlee Ku, tres chëra ch’al é gnü a s’al dé le barat cun Gwangju, fej ince Judith Neunhäuserer, nasciüda a Valdaora te Südtirol, y Siyoung Kim dla Corea dl Süd pert dl Team de Longega Project. Nos cater fajun düc ince instësc ert. I un studié a München y viun y laurun dailó, porchël é München y la regiun de Oberbayern la terza sënta dl proiet.

Longega Project takes place every summer in August. Korean artists are sent from Horanggasy Creative Studio to Longega, and artists from the Upper Bavarian region are selected in an official tender process and by an external jury.

At the end of their stay in Val Badia, the artists in residence have the opportunity of a final presentation. For this purpose, the showcase gallery 1000 Gallery is available directly next to the Longega Project International Artist House. The exhibition opening includes art education, a music programme and barbecue.

Finally, every autumn an artist from South Tyrol travels to Gwangju.

The house is located in the village of Longega, on the main road of the Val Badia, famous for its mountains, the Dolomites. Near the main village of San Vigilio di Marebbe, fossils are found such as the Bellerophon water snail: the Dolomites were a coral reef of the prehistoric ocean, the Tethys.

N bel de â le prinz de n rëgn antich maridé la fia dla löna. Ara manaciâ da morí, deach’al ti inchersciô tan do süa ciasa. Insciö â le prinz tut la dezijiun da fá n pat cun i proteturs di socrëc dla natöra. Ai dô ti dé ales munts le corú dla löna. Porchël ti âl impormetü ch’ai ess podü sté por dagnora ti bosć dles Dolomites.

Dolomite is a carbonate rock consisting mainly of the mineral dolomite, a double carbonate of calcium and magnesium.

Tla Val Badia baion ladin; chësc lingaz retoromanich é ince na sort de fossil, deach’al vëgn ma baié da incër 30.000 porsones. Por todësch á le paisc de Longega inom “Zwischenwasser”. Le paisc á incër 60 abitanc/tes.